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So, after finding out the 10" V2 truss RC AND the 10" truss imaging newts have been withdrawn because they have too many problems (so no blowing a couple of grand), i've decided to trash my existing orion optics mirror cell and spider because basically, they're utter crap.

been having a load of issues with collimation on my OO GX250 and today found out the primary is a whole 5mm off centre when just using the 3 fixing bolts as the tube is being deformed badly.

fired up my CNC and made a test piece which (without the cell fitted) is a perfect push fit. with the cell in place, the test piece showed perfectly how badly the tube is deformed. so, as soon as i lay my grubby little paws on some 10mm aluminium plate, i'm going to make a  cell similar to this MDF test. same goes for the spider. Orion Optics may produce good mirrors, but their engineering sucked on this scope lol



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3 minutes ago, MarsG76 said:

Definition of a real engineer is one taking apart a perfectly good working bit of equipment and putting it back together in a better working state.. you engineer.


sadly, i'm only a 'software engineer' :( definitely went right when i should have gone left years ago ?

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strangely, or maybe not so strangely, having that MDF tester in has made collimation a doddle according to my cheshire, cats-eye AND glatter... well isn't that a thing lol

still gonna build a new cell and spider though... just because i can. and 2k of CNC which hasn't really been put through it's paces yet is whispering (as are all the other voices in my head) doooo iiiiittt :D

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9 minutes ago, Dave_D said:

sadly, i'm only a 'software engineer' :( definitely went right when i should have gone left years ago ?

Can't have "software engineer" without "engineer" ?


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2 minutes ago, MarsG76 said:

Can't have "software engineer" without "engineer" ?


i'd rather be making real stuff than imaginary stuff though... unless i was coding for Nasa or SpaceX or the SKA. coding so overpaid corporate 'gits' can get around and save a tenner on their trip sucks.

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2 minutes ago, Dave_D said:

i'd rather be making real stuff than imaginary stuff though... unless i was coding for Nasa or SpaceX or the SKA. coding so overpaid corporate 'gits' can get around and save a tenner on their trip sucks.

I hear you.. but it's never too late to follow your dreams and inspirations....

You just need to start and the rest will fall into place.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Test piece of the cell straight off the CNC... fits perfectly :D (and yes, there's no holes to mount the mirror holder yet)

Need to study fusion360 a bit more though cause the tool path wasn't very efficient

gonna be a fun week with being off work so i can make some real mess when i pick up some 15mm aluminium plate on monday :D


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