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need some pointers

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Where do i start, I hvae added a new scope and camera to my mount so I have an ed 80 with a zwo 1600 and a small mak with a zwo 224 on my mount. Last night was the first time to try it all outso I connected my ed 80/cam the usual way ( eqmod connect then switch on SGPRO connect camera mount filter wheel) then I switch on CDC and connect mount slew to a bright object and all is good, then I switched on sharpcap connected the zwo 224 and yes all good, feeling confident I wandered around the night sky trying out different things (mainly saturn and mars) but just generally slewing around messing with plate solve just getting to know everything. Then the problem, switched on PHD2 and connected my camera (QHY minicam) PHD would not find camera and kept crashing and then sharpcap xouldnt find camera and kept crashing ( well freezing on startup). in the end all i could do was switch everything off and call it a night). This morning now started everything up and all the cameras work eqmod works so I am scratching my head a bit. any ideas of what to check and where to look?

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Think you right noticed the red light to my mount flashing this morning, another thing I have noticed though nothing to do with this is my power lead for the camera sometimes goes off as the camera cooler switches off, slightest movement will do it, cant understand this day and age how these are not tight fittings, wonder if i can put something around it like bluetack or something to hold it a bit tighter. I run my mount from a leisure battery so im guessing maybe the battery might not be charging properly, I also have a mains connection but rarely use it as sometimes it will work flawlessly othertimes it wont, might look into buying a new mains adapter see if that improves it

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Have you got the sound on on your computer ? I have an Atik camera with a dodgy plug and have to tape the cable to it otherwise it keeps "bonging" on and off losing connection when the scope slews.


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Well I went back to it today and everything looks ok which is strange as I pressed every button/setting last night and I was really panicking that I had changed some settings, really speaking I need the moon out to set it tidy im still trying to get to grips with sharpcap or firecapture and untill the moon is up wont really know which programme I prefer

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