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Canon EOS 1300D for deep sky imaging?


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Hi all, Fairly new to all this and after some advice. I have a CPC 925 scope.

I have been looking for a fairly low budget camera and have seen a really good deal on the Canon EOS 1300D with lots of spares, lenses bag etc at £329.

I have che the CMOS sensor and it had the advanced one found in much more expensive cameras.

I plan to do planetary and deep sky imaging.

Does any body have expericance with this camera or maybe you know of a better bit of kit for similar money?

Thanks in advance.


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Hi Spikky,

I also started with 1300D  a year and a half ago. This CANON is relatively new, as all advanced astrophotographers used the older models.

I do not consider myself as advanced, but as a beginner with a very little bit of experience :)

This Canon is good enough for a start, as if you will decide to stop with a hobby, it will be good for daily use.

Simply go to Flickr or to astrobin and search for images done with this cam and you will find more or less possible results.

Or do the opposite, search for images with your Scope...

Some of my images are here https://www.flickr.com/photos/154881882@N05/

Also, keep in mind, the results with this CANON will mostly depend on Light Polution in your area. All my images were done from Woolwich...

I presume you will manage to get much better ones in Southend.


this cam is better for DSO, not for planetary (except the Moon of course).

For planetary, you need a High-Speed cam, something like ZWO ASI224CM or better, or cheaper way, - simple DYI webcam.

I am not sure what mount you have, as for DSO you will need GEM with Guiding...

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I use the 1300d - very good camera, compatible with all major astronomy software controllers and lenses are cheap and easy to find, also has WiFi which is handy. Although it’s just been replaced with a newer model (which is why I bought one!) - so there’s some great deals on the high street for brand new ones - I picked up a new one from Currys with an 18-54 lens, a 75-300 lens and case for about £350 (only about 8 weeks ago) so it may be worth shopping around.


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