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Yesterday, after hearing that the ISS would be passing close to Saturn, I immediately wanted to see this rare event. After some planning work, My mom and I woke up very early this morning and drove to the center-line, which was thankfully only 20 minutes away. Although I had practiced with the mount, lens, and camera setup before, as fate would have it, many things went wrong. Evidently, while putting the telescope in the van, the red dot finder was bumped, becoming mis-alligned. I did not notice this until I wondered why Saturn wasn't in the FOV even though the red dot was perfectly centered on the planet. Additionally, I did not have the time to re-allign it and re-attach the mount, as the ISS was already over horizon, and I had a matter of seconds to decide what to do.  

  Finally, I just took the phone off the mount and hand-held it up to the eyepiece. Without the mount there, it was not difficult to get Saturn into the FOV. With less than 20 seconds left, I watched the screen and waited. Having shaky hands didn't help matters either :) . At last, the ISS flew across the screen. However, I was astonished when I saw that it missed Saturn! I was a little irritated, but at the same time pleased. When we got home, I looked at the transit map again. Then, I realized why the ISS missed Saturn. In under one hour, the path had jumped by more that it had shifted in the last 24 hours! Oh well, now I know to check the center-line right up to the moment of transit.

   Even with the disappointment, I am still glad with the results that I got. Additionally, I am confident that with hard work, planning, and better equipment, someday I will see the ISS transit Saturn, for real. 






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