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M96 and nearby (B/W)


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I've so far grabbed 7h of exposure on M96 - concentrating on the L channel so far. Surpisingly, M96 doesn't seem to be imaged very much as far as I can see - at least in close up (the wide 95/96/105 combo is popular though!). It does have some lovely dust going on near the core.

This winter/spring has been quite poor really for me so far - some clear skies would be much appreciated so I could try and get colour data to add to this: I think this would add a lot to the image as it'll give colour differential to the bright knots in the centre and outer regions of the galaxy - brightness-wise they are fairly similar, but may stand out better in RGB. The outer reaches are also quite faint and hard to pull out any more than this; though the transparency wasn't great the other night, I think I'd need darker skies and/or much more exposure to get more out of it (or a more sensitive camera than the KAI-2020). 

I have however, pushed my current distance record (though not particularly trying to go as far as I can yet...) - QSO SDSS J104619.26+115223.4 is clearly visible at mag 20.5 (r band) - this has a redshift of ~2.83 which puts it about 11.4 billion light years away. Simbad data: http://simbad.u-strasbg.fr/simbad/sim-id?Ident=SDSS+J104619.26%2B115223.4&NbIdent=1. Also at the faint end (just!!) is the small dwarf Leo 15 (in the Leo/M96 group - http://simbad.u-strasbg.fr/simbad/sim-id?Ident=[FS90]+Leo+15&NbIdent=1) - this is diffuse and at Mag(B) ~19...

Image details: 350mm Newt (1584mm fl), ST2000XM, 84x5min. (22/02/18 and 13-14/03/18)
Reduction/Processing in PI.
South is ~ up.

Thanks for looking!




Annotation with the quasar mentioned marked up along with Leo 15 (there's another couple of QSO at z= 2.40 (mag_r=21.1!) and z=2.43 for the interested reader who fancies finding them....):




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