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Which is better for Astrophotography?

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Wouldn't have thought there would be much in it between those two cameras. The 500D is ancient in camera years but still has a capable 15mp sensor. While the 1300D is a newer model with a newer sensor and image processor. The 1300D looks to be using the 18mp sensor from the 100D, which was probably just an update of the 550D sensor. With the newer parts the 1300D should produce better looking images. I guess.

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I'm not familiar with either camera, but I would get more info on the cameras. Maximum ISO is often determined by noise characteristcs. I would guess that the newer camera has less noise than the older.

Next would be sensor size, which determines field of view, but also amount of vignetting, aberration, coma, etc.

Pixel size, with focal length, determines pixel scale ("/pixel). Depending on what you intend to image, this can be important. A camera with a large sensor and small pixels creates large image files. This can be a problem if you have limited computer power and storage options.

What sensitivity for Ha (deep red) do the cameras have? Some camera models are already "very" sensitive to Ha, and don't need to be modded. Look for spectral response.

Does the camera have bulb mode? I wouldn't consider a camera that doesn't have this. Most, but not all dslrs, have this.

Can long exposure noise reduction (lenr) be turned off? I had to hack my dslr (pentax) to turn off this feature. Lenr doubles the exposure time for each sub.

(Sorry, but you get more questions than answers on this topic.)

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If you had said the 550d I would have said that one because it has a useful 1:1 crop video mode useful on the Moon if you don't already own a webcam for example.

Neither have an articulated screen which is I gather useful, the 600d does. I use my android tablet to control my canon at night for the bigger screen helps with focusing.

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