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M42 & Sirius from last night (first light of the 10" as an imager)


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I got the chance to try out my DSLR with the 250px last night. No planets or moons about so I decided to just test the waters as far as DSO went. I found 1/3 exposure was about the limit to avoid star trailing so I got 55 seconds worth of M42 which came out better than I expected, the core even showed up in live view. Probably would have gotten a lot more from these shots with a modded camera but I use it for regular photography as well...


Sirius was more challenging, because of the 1/3s exposure fainter stars did not show up in the image enough for DSS to stack them so only 24 out of 61 imagesd were stacked. Sirius itself seems well formed however.



Unfortunately I don't think the visibility was very good last night which I think hindered my ability to find other targets (further north for longer exposure) in the finder scope. Hopefully I'll get to use the setup for planets and lunar photography soon.


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