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BYEos focuser position


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Hopefully the topic title came close to describing my question. I am using Celestron Ultima Duo eyepieces connected to my Canon T2i DSLR with a T ring adapter. I hope that I am correct in assuming that BYEos will focus my camera as it is connected to my laptop via USB cable. My question is, where should the focuser on my Celestron 6" VX refractor be set? If that question did not make sense, what I meant was should the focuser be all the way out, all the way in or midway? Or does it not matter where it is set? I asked Celestron the same exact question, but the person who answered didn't seem to know anything about BYEos. I must confess that I am VERY NEW to astrophotography and equally as new to BYEos. Am I assuming correctly that when you click on the "Frame and Focus" tab that BYEos will focus the camera for you? If it focuses the camera for you, does it not matter where the telescope focuser is at? I hope that I am making sense in my questions. I will greatly appreciate any and all help that anyone can give me in my search for an answer to my question.


Thank You


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Without using BYOS I would focus your DSLR  using the cameras live  view Screen. Select  a "brightish" star say 1st or 2nd magnitude near your object, fucus.  Then plug into BYOS. Maybe be different for different people but i found the BYOS focus slightly out? 


Good Luck


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5 hours ago, Jackce57 said:

Am I assuming correctly that when you click on the "Frame and Focus" tab that BYEos will focus the camera for you?

Hi. No. You must focus yourself using the telescope focusing wheels. Perhaps best to focus without the eyepiece to begin with. HTH.

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