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Short But Enjoyable Session With The Unicorn


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8SE, aligned on Betelgeuse and Rigel, plan: to take in just a few new (and easy) targets in Monoceros.

15 Mon - (2)+1+1 visual triple, separations 2.9" and 16" - GoTo bang on, using SAO number.  (Nice line of three pairs immediately below it.)  I saw one of the companions - very faint, using AV, and with best focus.  It was clearer at x56 as the seeing was not great, and much easier to spot 30 mins. later when it was a lot darker!  

NGC 2301 - open cluster.  This I really liked!  Lines of stars like a rotated "T", about 30 mins across, and really lovely, despite the sky not being all that dark.  The stars were denser at the "junction" of the T.  A must-see!  Then hopping about one degree west:

SAO 11435, 11433, 11426 - three stars in a line, equally spaced, similar magnitudes, in a roughly eight minute spread.  There was a fourth star, just a little fainter, below the line, forming another "T" - this T-shape perfect!  Just a pleasing sight!

RV Mon - another carbon star (after seeing several a few days ago), beautifully and noticeably orange.  The backdrop darkened when I upped the mag from x56 to x113.

C50 Satellite Cluster - this was not a new one, just something nearby to finish with!  A big, bright, loose open cluster.

Just a 45 minute session before my meal, with a glass of Belgian beer.  Marvellous!


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7 minutes ago, cotterless45 said:

Lovely report , fabulous constellation. NGC 2301 is "Hagrid's Dragon" with wide jewelled wings,


Thanks Nick.  I'm a big fan of open clusters, but this I found quite unusual and most pleasing.

I suppose it must be one of a growing number of objects being given modern titles - not a bad thing, of course!  There are some likely examples of this practice on Stellarium.


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