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Complete Setup

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Quick Question:

I have a budget of £2000, but reasonably flexible.
I want to get serious with backyard astrophotography and take some really nice images, preferably deep sky but also allowing for some planetary.
I need to purchase an entire setup: scope, mount, camera etc.

What should I get?


Thanks in advance,

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A highly recommended setup is a HEQ5 mount with a skywatcher 80ed and has been highly successful for many members on here.

If your not a "new or nothing" kind 9f person then there's always some good bargains to be had on the used market.

The book "making Every Photon Count" also comes very highly recommended and is usually suggested to be bought before any equipment to help make the right setup for your needs/ wants.

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There have been a few neq6 mount up on abs recently for around £700. Maybe if your lucky a pds may come up for about £100. Then you need a coma corrector, pc, cables to connect the mount.

You will still need to get a camera. With what you have left it might be worth looking at a dslr (second hand, modded) and then saving some more it put towards a dedicated camera.

With a low budget you have to accept the fact that you will need more time to acquire what you want. I would start by making sure the mount is right.

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I am a complete starter at DSO imaging and just bought my first setup. One thing I can say is factor in the cost of the small added extras, Power, Cables, Dovetails, Software (PS) etc.

I worked out my budget with mount, scope and guide scope thinking the rest would be not too much (Had camera already) but it soon adds up.

The 'Forgiving Partner' bit on Spillage's list is a must :-) (Had an argument this morning on what I had spent and the fact we had not booked a holiday this year yet!)

Good Luck!

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HaHa..yes and then you have to justify all the kit lying around not being used because of the weather. Sometimes I think I should just go out and look at the clouds to make it look like its being used. I guess I could always show the misses some bias frames!!!

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