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I suspect the transparency won't be good tonight....


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6 hours ago, Stu said:

how do you make yourself like a complete numpty?

Answer? By making a post about poor transparency! It looks beautifully clear here at the moment!! DOH! :) 

Flagellate yourself no more, it seems to have had the desired effect -> distracted the haze/cloud gods such that they lost concentration and did not visit you again !

Everybody 'cept lazy me seems to have been having a right good time under the (almost) full moon !


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Actually I think my post clearly prompted the sky to play games with me. I do think the transparency was not that great, but the seeing was excellent, the best I remember for quite some time, possibly a year or so. Just a few gentle ripples which didn't disturb the view at all. I think the vapour trails indicated that the higher level atmosphere was stable perhaps.

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17 hours ago, Stu said:

Grrrr, contrails, the bane of my life (and I'm sure many of us). Hoping to have a little session tonight and stepped out to see a potentially clear sky, criss-crossed by numerous contrails. Still, the moon is bright so perhaps it's a sign that the seeing will be steadier, time for some doubles and more of those carbon stars I was looking at.




I so miss those Surrey skys and the overloaded roads.... Nearly 2 years in Norfolk now and the best move ever :headbang:

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1 minute ago, geoflewis said:

I so miss those Surrey skys and the overloaded roads.... Nearly 2 years in Norfolk now and the best move ever :headbang:

Geof, believe me if I didn't have commitments in the area I would be off somewhere dark like a shot! Glad your move has been a success :) 

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1 minute ago, Stu said:

Geof, believe me if I didn't have commitments in the area I would be off somewhere dark like a shot! Glad your move has been a success :) 

Yep Stu, retirement was my best career move ever....!! I think we'd been planning this move at least 10 years, though I wasn't sure where we'd end up. We almost made it to the west country (my wife's preference), then when that fell through we opted for the move to my birth county (my pick) which I'd moved away from 50 years ago. I'm so glad to be 'home', with skies that remind me of my childhood when I first became interested in astronomy....:smiley:

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