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Planet, Fine Double, Some Clusters


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Further to my earlier report of viewing Luna, I returned to the 8SE and aligned it on Menkar and Aldebaran.

Uranus was close to the Moon, and GoTo was spot on.  It took some magnification, but - not surprisingly - showed no hint of colour.

Mesarthim, a double in Aries was next, and it jumped out immediately as a tight, bright, matched pair at x56.  A real delight, and the high spot of this brief session.

M45 Pleiades cluster did not all fit in the FOV, but was a lovely sight with many bright stars in a loose spread.

M42/43 nebula showed some detail with subtle changes of brightness.  Nebula filters did not seem to enhance this at all.

C50 Satellite Cluster in Monoceros.

NGC 1662 open cluster in Orion - pleasant - about 10 bright stars, with more faint ones.  Going from x56 to x85 darkened the background and showed the fainter stars a little better.

NGC 1807 open cluster in Taurus - very similar to the above, but without much difference at x85 this time.

A nice, short session, although a bright Moon and clouds scudding by limited it somewhat.  

Good to get any sort of action in these days!




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