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This astro-imaging lark is addictive


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Well, the bug has bitten and I am quite enjoying imaging the night sky - although can already see a case of upgraditis rapidly approaching (Collimator on the way, installed a 10:1 focuser upgrade already and am thinking about a Baader MPCC to help with the dreaded coma which is rather apparent on my images). Was up until 1.30am (the point at which everything began to freeze and the wind picked up) gathering data to process today.

Second ever deep sky imag e (far from perfect, but more time needed with Gimp) attached..

So, a quick thank you to everyone who has assisted in answering my beginners questions and an apology in advance for the next questions before I post them!

Stack processed (2) 25%.png

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30 x 60 second subs at ISO800

20 x Darks as above

20 x Bias

20 x Flats (had to move the scope into my office and wait for the condensation to clear from the mirror to get these, so not sure if that would affect them or not)

20 x Dark Flats

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