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Does suggested imaging payload include counterweights?

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I am embarrassed to ask this as I have been playing at imaging for nearly 3 years now and feel sure I should know the answer!!!

Does the suggested practical maximum payload of 50 - 60% of the manufacturers recommended maximum payload include or exclude the weight of the counterweights ??

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Just to add that I think that the 'balance' aspect is very important in these calculations.  ( the idea being that a well balanced scope has effectively neutralised the contribution of the counterweights to the rotational system).

If the rig is not carefully balanced, then estimates of  50-60% of manufacturers guidelines become a bit meaningless as your mount will start to blow out steam struggling  to rotate the uneven arrangement.  

I have tried to  mount and image with some improbable scopes on an HEQ5, convincing myself all was well and dandy,  before realising,....  "nah, this aint gonna work"  and bought an NEQ6, which had the capacity to 'sensibly' counterbalance everything.    Although the short time exposure subs  looked OK, the object itself would dance out of the FOV within  15  mins of  starting the sequence... a sure sign the system is under stress.



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