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New easy to make shutter cable for Canon/Nikon


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It is known that the older Canon/Nikon cameras need additional cable to make a bulb exposures... There are several resources in the net how to make such cable, but they require soldering skills.
Here is an alternative that can be made by everyone ( thank you Roy for this solution! ) https://ideiki.com/astro/usersguide/kmtronic_cable.htm?ms=AAA%3D&st=MA%3D%3D&sct=MTQ2Mw%3D%3D&mw=MjQw
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Definitely it is not the cheapest one solution. If one has electronics and soldering skills there are much cheaper solutions :)

Nowadays the ready to use solutions available in EU are quite limited (do you hear enthusiasts!) so the KMtronic way is a good option especially when you put into the total that there is no need of Serial-To-USB adaptor...

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Don't look to bad cost wise to me, I assume the kmtronic board is hard wired (usb cable) computer or phone/pad? to the camera.  TriggerTrap App is still available tho not supported any more (I need to look at it a bit more), I am guessing there must be other Apps.  Interesting stuff, thanks.


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