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On Reflection


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As I have been using the Tal lately my reflector was being ignored so decided to give it a whirl. Two star alignment Betelgeuse and Castor, while I was there M35 Beautiful rich open cluster at low mag I used my 25mm. From then on I just flitted around the sky first off was the double cluster NGC 884 and 869 I visit this every time cracking clusters with the 15 mm stars ping out at you.

NGC 457 (Owl Cluster) another favourite, must not forget NGC 7789 ( Caroline`s Rose) up the mag on this to bring out the shape I had a 8 mm in.

NGC 404 (Ghost of Mirach) what a sight first for me colour was so radiant. NGC 7662 (Blue Snowball) in the 8" at X125 really appreciate the colour. M 31 in the 25 mm could see central core and the galaxy spreading out across the FOV.

M 67 this is a old cluster never the less a lovely one with many stars, M44 (Praesepe) this blew me away I had a 15mm in but swapped to the 25mm get as much in as I could very bright white/blue stars fill the FOV.

NGC 2301 (Hagrids Dragon) Nick (Cotterless45) put me onto this wow in the 8" the wings spread out before your eyes magnificent, NGC 2264 (Christmas Tree Cluster) really looks like one bright star at the bottom with stars going up to a peak lovely, M50 a new one for me but beautiful heart shaped with blue/white  stars  and a few yellow and orange to boot.

NGC 2169 (37 cluster) in the reflector really does look like a 3 and a 7. M42 well you have to but could not tease out E and F went to 8mm X125 should of barlowed my 8mm might of got them.

Three triples next recommended Beta Monoceros (SAO 1333.17) teased the third component out with my 5mm at X200, Sigma Orion (SAO 1324.06) I found this easier to split. Zeta Cancri "Tegmine" (SAO 0976.45) with the 5mm X200 and averted vision I`m sure I got the third component very close though stood looking at it for a good 5 minutes adjusting the focus to make sure.

M36 M37 and M38 visited these before but why there up its worth visiting again. M37 being the brightest and largest of the three. Finally my last three objects for the night as my feet were very cold and started to be painful.

M97 just looked like a fuzzy ball of light I nearly missed it, M81 and M82 got them both in the 25mm could see the shape of the cigar.

All in all a good night and everything right in the FOV I was overjoyed to keep hitting the targets.


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Excellent report , just one question .

What did you do with Paul ??? That clusterless fella was lost in the dark !!!

Real pleasure to read your adventure. Tegmine has always been a favourite, it's opening up , now at 1.1". It's great when everything comes together ,clear skies ,

old Nick.?

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