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Black spot


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Hi again, im hoping you guys can help me with this issue. Ive taken this pic with an equinox 80ed and canon 5. ive tried to crop the pic to get rid of the green on the bottom and also the bright middle but ive got a black spot in the galaxy just mid/south which i cant edit out. any ideas ? what has caused this ?



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It is possible to work out where the dust particle is within your setup by the size of the shadow. Sadly my brain is not up to the maths required. However, as a general rule, the smaller and more opaque the shadow, the closer it is to your sensor, and this one looks like it is right on the filter which covers the sensor in your dslr.

By removing the camera body and clicking to lock the mirror up, you might be able to gently blow the dust off to avoid the issue next time. Be careful not to make it worse!

If the problem persists, then start a thread asking for help taking flat images, as these will remove many issues from pictures.



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