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Observing 27/10

Astro Imp

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After what seems like forever finally had a clear night.

Started with a bit of lunar, the Alps were just on the terminator with the Alpine Valley showing nicely.

The sky was very light with the first quarter moon but had a look around, the usual suspects, a few doubles, Albireo, Almach, eta Cas then went for the brighter clusters.

Started with the Messiers in Auriga which were very disappointing, I think there must have been high level thin cloud or contrails masking them.

Went over to the double cluster which again wasn't giving of it's best.

Then up to Cas for M103 and NGC 457. This last was the best I have seen it and with it's present orientation I could see why it's earned the title ET cluster. I have always seen the owl but not ET.

A really strange night with the varying conditions.

BTW had a look for Uranus but it was lost in the soup.


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Good to get out and see something even though conditions don't sound like they were ideal.

I do love the ET Cluster, makes me smile every time I see it. The Auriga clusters were poor for me too last night, lost in the LP down low. Be good when they get higher earlier.

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3 minutes ago, Stu said:

Good to get out and see something even though conditions don't sound like they were ideal.

I do love the ET Cluster, makes me smile every time I see it. The Auriga clusters were poor for me too last night, lost in the LP down low. Be good when they get higher earlier.

Stu, After your tip off I had a look at the Auriga clusters, I got good views of m37 but I guess it was past midnight then so they were getting higher by then.

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