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Mount current draw


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Someone a while back, most likely on a different site, was asking about the current draw of their mount so that they could factor it in.

Anyway, I decided to measure mine out of pure curiosity :icon_biggrin: so here's my readings in case they are of any use whatsoever to anyone else...

CGEM DX + StarSense HC + StarSense Camera + Celestron GPS
(Measured using a regulated 12v supply and multi-meter)
Normal RA tracking: 470ma max (5.56W)
Full speed RA+DEC slew: 1550ma max (18.6W)
I suspect there is also a momentary surge as the motors start as the power supply needed to be set to give up to 3A otherwise it cut the voltage on a full speed slew and the motor controller objected (although the hand controller was fine as it regulates down to 5v or so anyway I suspect).  This wasn't picked up by the meter so it wasn't sustained.


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