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William Optics SPL Eyepiece 12.5 mm


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Heads up!  Super Planetary Long (eye-relief) @  Flo £57.69 :happy9:

I have the full set, and this is a good buy, works very well on the f/6 Skyliner.
I was introduced to the WO SPL when I bought my first 6mm to power my Skyliner, and with the scopes f/6 ratio, a 6mm provides 200x with 1mm exit pupil, a perfect  match for this scope.
The next logical eyepiece for me would be twice the focal ratio at 12mm giving the Skyliner 100x and optimal performance! The 12.5mm could also be 2x Barlowed, providing close to both optimal and high magnification, if/when the conditions allow?

I also have the 3.2mm which get's less use, but as a set collector, it makes for completion.

If your looking or contemplating this particular eyepiece, check out Flo's clearance pages! 

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I can't be a 100% sure but I think these are very similar to the Altair LER range. If so the SPLs will be nice EPs. I have the 12.5 mm Altair LER and its certainly good in my scopes and very comfortable to use. I think these and possibly the Williams Optics have been overshadowed by the Starguiders and the Xcel LXs which is a bit of a shame as they deserve to be a bit  more popular.

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