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Refractor condensation/dew after bringing the scope indoors

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Hi All,

Quick question regarding storing away a refractor telescope. Last night was the first time i've ever used a refractor telescope for imaging and normally what i would do with my SCT scope is, i bring it in, consendation forms because of the temperature change or the dew is still on the corrector plate and i would open the eye piece end of the scope to let it breathe and wait for the scope to dry up or the condensation to be removed. But i'm not sure what is the correct way of doing the same when the same thing happens with a refractor before storing it away in it's case?

Many thanks in advance

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I do more or less the same with my refractor leave the lens cover of until dry I also have a desiccant cap which fits in eyepiece socket if your worried about damp inside the scope


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Yep, that's right. Basically the same with everything, never seal it away with the caps on when it is wet. Ideally bring it into a cooler part of the house so it warms gradually but I just leave mine resting in the case with the caps off and the case open. It is always dry by the morning and then gets put away.

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I use a desiccant cap (aka 35mm film canister, holed, with a silica gel sack), and store the scopes with more silica gel sacks in the storage container to keep the air inside the scope as dry as possible, so when it cools, dew doesn't form.


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