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Plossl - super or not?

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What makes a Plossl super?

should I pay the extra for the branded SP eyepieces (like Meade)?

I already have 40mm and have been happy with it, wanted to buy something around 20mm

How to spot good ones Vs copies all described as SP?


Thanks in advance for any help you can give



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I think some "super" Plossls had an extra lens installed to give a slightly wider field of view. Due to the design, even a "standard" 20mm Plossl will give a wider apparent field of view than your 40mm. You could Barlow your 40mm to provide a 20mm focal length.   :icon_biggrin:

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Some are "Super" as it sounds better. Most would look at "Super Plossl" more then "Plossl". Even if totally identical.

They would find that "Mediocre Plossl" sells even less, even if the description is more accurate.

As mentioned some add a fifth lens in to increase the field of view, which technically makes them no longer a plossl.

TV make the best (in general opinion), for the UK the next easyily findable ones are the Vixen NPL.

Just in case a plossl can have limited eye relief, easy estimate is 2/3 of the focal length, so short focal lengths mean lesser eye relief.

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Thanks guys, I do use the Barlow in what I have so actually wanted to hit the smaller size by buying the 20 and barlowing down to 10mm


currently I have a 25mm and a 10mm both that came with the scope and never function too well with anything other than the bright moon, I think the quality is poor as the image doesn't seem to sharp by comparison to the Plossl so though better quality lenses but in these two sizes was perhaps a good idea.... Am I right?


we use the skymax 127... Could it be that I am really just not capable of catching enough light on the planets to make the 10mm feasible?

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I have the same scope as you and I've found the kit 10mm e/p unusable but the 25mm is OK. I have a SW 32mm Super Plossl for wider field views and I recently purchased 8mm and 15mm Agena Starguider Dual ED (aka Orion, BST and others) 60 deg FOV and found them to be good value and good quality.


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