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SGPro Workflow


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Hi All,

I have had SGPro, as well as Framing and Mosaic Wizard, for approx 4 months. I have pretty much understood setting up equipment, personal profiles etc.

I am having some problems with Autofocus or rather achieving accurate focus with my scope, whether using Autofocus or a bahtinov mask. This is not the main question for the collective.

What i am really struggling to get my head round is how to implement platesolve using (Platesolve 2) and Frame and Focus into the sequence.

I am able to achieve a platesolve, albeit with imperfect focus. What i do not get is how this is added/ included in a sequence.

I may have the wrong end of the stick but as SGPro is an all singing and dancing bit of kit I am of the belief that once I have chosen the target and specified what exposures i wish to take, how do i get the the SW to plate solve and then focus prior to executing the sequence specified.

Forgetting about setting profiles, location, equipment etc, which i have achieved, what work flow do people use i.e. what sequence do people follow once PA is achieved and all equipment is connected?

To give a bit of background the equipment being used is as follows:-

APM 107/700


Lakeside Autofocuser

QHY9 (mono)

SX filter wheel,

Lodestar x2

I do not have any issues with equipment, just how i get the SW to do what I want to do in sequence i.e. platesolve, frame and focus and then commence sequence (no pun intended)

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As far as I know it, plate solve will only come into the sequence when you set it up using the Framing and mosaic wizard. If you are trying to run a sequence without having set it up with this, then I don't *think* a plate solve will be done. 

So I do the following.....

1) Use framing and Mosaic wizard to pick and frame a target.
2) Set it as the target
3) Press the cog on the side of the target and ensure that 'Slew to target' and 'centre target' are ticked.
4) Set all the filter and exposure details

Then I start sequence.

SGP does the following

1) Slew to target
2) Start auto guider
3) centre using plate solve
4) Auto focus
5) Allow guider to settle 
6) Start exposures

Hope that helps.



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Excellent guys, thank you for the replies. Looks like I need to keep getting more familiar with the software. At least I have a bit of time on my side until the darker night come back.

Thank you again.

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