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Another clearish night ?


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Looks like it might be another night when some observing can be done. Some cloud about but mostly clear. 3rd night in a row - don't know how I'm going to cope :coffee::icon_biggrin:

Got the TMB / LZOS 130 F/9 triplet out cooling ATM. Give that one a shot at Jupiter then more double stars methinks :smiley:

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18 minutes ago, John said:

Looks like it might be another night when some observing can be done. Some cloud about but mostly clear. 3rd night in a row - don't know how I'm going to cope :coffee::icon_biggrin:

Got the TMB / LZOS 130 F/9 triplet out cooling ATM. Give that one a shot at Jupiter then more double stars methinks :smiley:

You chaps out west seem to be doing well these last few nights. Lots of grey stuff here..

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I may have spoken / posted too soon - big bank of white stuff heading this way from the north :rolleyes2:

Hope you have not "exported" some of your grey stuff Kerry ! :p:icon_biggrin:

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Both the north and the west seem to be best lately - hope you chaps get some good skies. I've been doing my annual clear out of the garage and have moved the Dob into the garden for safety! But I don't think its going to be seeng any stars tonight ....

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2 hours ago, John said:

Looks like it might be another night when some observing can be done. ... 3rd night in a row

Enjoy, he wrote, while clenching his teeth. ?


1 hour ago, laudropb said:

Clear sky here all day and still looking good John. This will be 4 nights in a row. The 120 ED is out cooling and I will try some of the doubles from your report of last night.

John, I wish you the best of observing. You've had some awful weather in the West, I know, while in the East we've fared better.

It's your turn now ... ??

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Thanks Gordon :icon_biggrin:

Jupiter looks simply wonderful right now. No GRS but so much detail in the belts at 240x with my 5.1" refractor and razor sharp !

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37 minutes ago, John said:

Thanks Gordon :icon_biggrin:

Jupiter looks simply wonderful right now. No GRS but so much detail in the belts at 240x with my 5.1" refractor and razor sharp !

Glad you're putting all that aperture to good use.


Mr. Nagler's magic still works, lots of nice detail on Jupiter and Luna is fantastic.

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1 hour ago, Floater said:

Enjoy, he wrote, while clenching his teeth. ?


John, I wish you the best of observing. You've had some awful weather in the West, I know, while in the East we've fared better.

It's your turn now ... ??

Absolute clear here Gordon and the seeing is even good. Lots of nice detail showing on Jupiter and the Moon. Makes a change as you say. Off to do some doubles now. Hope your sky clears soon.

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4 minutes ago, chiltonstar said:

You lucky devils! Thick murk here.....


Murk now starting to predominate here too now :rolleyes2:

Very nice while it lasted though :smiley:

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