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New Baader Focuser

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After much internal wrangling and justifications, finally decided to bite the bullet and get myself a new focuser and decieded upon the Baader Diamond Steeltrack.

As always, service and delivery was top drawer from FLO (have some internet cookies) with the item coming well packed and next day.

Took OTA off mount on thursday last week and carried out the fitting.

My 1st hurdle came when I was following the YouTube video on how to fit it. It says to use the original holes from the old focuser to temporarily mount the versa base prior to marking and drilling.......oh no.  My old holes where no where near, so out comes the rules and other measuring devices, along with some tape and I manage to get the versabase mounted and marked.  Hole drilling was all good and the base mounts like a charm.  I do like the way that you can move the focuser up and down the tube slightly.

This got me to thinking about my collimation and alignments too.  Took the oportunity the remove my secondary, put it on  a photocopier and the then use the image to make a template to mark the edges of the secondary .  I can now use these along with my Cheshire, to ensure that the secondary and focuser are aligned.  Have yet to do this.

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From my initial use I am very happy indeed with my purchase and am looking forward to using it 'in anger' (especially now I have adjusted my spacings to allow for the filters too)

Have ordered a new belt for my DIY motor focuser as the one that was originally fitted, while it would go over the fine focus side, was tight as a tiger and was putting lateral strain on the focuser.  Replacement one was only £1.70 so in astro terms is free

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