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m63 and flats

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Bright moon but anyway, I had to try my new not-huion-cheepo light panel. Not perfect -the background still seems patchy when viewed on some devices- but it seems to have worked better than the hit and miss t-shirt/sky method. Any comments and tips from those who use a similar method most gratefully received. Thanks for looking and clear skies...

light, 16x180s

flat, 16x0.5s

dark-flat, 16x0.5s



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I have something similar and have to put some perspex between to cut the output so I can get a good histogram.

Looks like you have the same problemand use a t shirt to reduce the glow.

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The nature of the diffuser is not very important. I use translucent perspex with a variable number of sheets of typing paper as well. If your secondary mirror doesn't register on your images (and it doesn't, of course) then why worry about slight irregularities in the diffuser? They are so far out of focus as not to matter.

With a Newt, though, you need to be thinking about stray light entering the tube at the bottom. This might very easily distort your flats.

You get an eye for a good flat over time. Essentially it should have dark corners and a bright middle. If it doesn't, be suspicious!


PS DSLR users also need to think about light entering the viewfinder.

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