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heads up new spot alert. 22-4-17 added pic


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just a heads up , we have a new spot, its a nice size and its at 11 oclock or 7 oclock depending on what kit your using. lovely and clear here thismorrning, I'm very happy the the forcast was wrong. just catching some HA data as I write. clear skys, charl. 

heres a qwick WL, I'm cooking my HA data, will post as soon as ready.


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After a really nice clear sky last night it was still clear and sunny this morning. Got my first solar view for a while. The ARs are very interesting in WL. Did a couple of sketches and was just about to see if I could finally get enough inward focus with my Herschel wedge to get a first ever image when the clouds rolled in. Now about 75% cloud cover.

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I've been having the odd look through the morning in white light. It's the most action I've seen for a while. One of the two spots nearer the centre looked like a "triple" (I don't know what you call it when you get a few small dark centres  jammed together in a broader dark patch). Also 2653 coming round the limb far enough to show some details.

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thanks Paz, we call them pores if thay are small you can get them single or in groups, thay sometimes grow into full blown ARs but there could be another more scieancy name for them. yer nice to have a bit of new action over night. clear skys, charl.

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