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LP filter for William Optics 71

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Having recently finally found a way to polar align and take longer exposures I run into a new problem: At recommended ISO for the Canon 6D (1600 according to "graphs"), a 2 minute exposure totally blows out the image. I had to reduce to ISO400 and it was still very lit.

So, my assumption is that I had way too much LP. The full moon was blasting the sky, among other things.

Question: what filter should I buy? I assume it goes between camera and lens? 2.5" something? I have no clue what to search for.

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The full moon is a killer, i'm lucky if i can go above ISO 100 and even at that i'm hard pressed to get even a 4 min sub and that is with a good quality LP filter.

When there is no moon however and i use the ASP-C equivalent of this, it works brilliantly.


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5 minutes ago, Datalord said:

Ah, calms my nerves. Thank you! 


Follow up question : the one linked in the first response says "for B&W photography". Is that true? 

Ignore that bit of confusing info doesn't apply to astro use.


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So, bought the Astronomik filter. This is a comparison with and without filter side by side. ISO1600 120s shot on both sides.


Currently the scope is taking the final dark shots after 3 hours on the whirlpool tonight. Going to be interesting if the final stack gives me the result I want.

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