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limiting mag

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hi guys, does anyone know how to work out limiting mag for a scope?

i have a 130pm newt and i have seen down to around mag 10 ish as 1 or 2 of saturns moons are quite dim. anyone know how to work out the limiting mag?


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I'm not sure where I got it from but I've always used the formula:


D being the aperture of the 'scope.

This seems to give a reasonable guide, but it does depend on the 'scope you're using, atmospheric conditions and observers skill.

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Hmm! I asked the same question of the SPA back at the begining of the year and was given: -

2.7+2.5 * log (D squared)

where D is the diameter of the aperture in mm.

I don't have a calculator handy, but it would be interesting to see if the calculations come out with similar answers.

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I think you will find that the two are identical.

If (say) y = D5 then log y = 5 * log D

alternatively, since D5 = (D2)2.5 then log y = 2.5 * log (D2)


Yep, you're quite right, Mike. Even so, I don't understand why the SPA complicated the calculation in this way.

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Not stupid at all, yes it does. Its a fairly standard form to distinguish from x which really could mean a variable x. Likewise / is used for division and ** often means exponentiation eg 2 ** 3 is 2 cubed = 8. I used superscripts instead of ** because it is more natural looking.


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the limiting magnitude can be found from pogsons equation...m1-m2= -2.5 log10(F1/F2), where F is the flux of objects 1 and 2. F is proportional to D^2, where D is the aperture. Let m1 be the magnitude visible through the telescope and m2 be the naked eye limit for the observer at his site. Let D1 be the aperture of the telescope, and D2 be the aperture of the observers dark adapted pupil. Then ...

m1-m2= 2.5log10(D1/D2)^2, or m1-m2= 5log10(D1/D2), this is the magnitude gain over your site. Assuming a limiting mag of 5 for most UK sites then the limiting magnitude ML=5+5log10(D1/D2), where D1 is your telescope aperture and D2 is your dark adapted pupil diameter..around 6-8mm, worsening with age.

Keep D1,D2 in the same units


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