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Aim............ FIRE!!

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Following on from the pic of me and my brothers out with the telescope, here is a shot taken from behind the OTA.

The more astute among you will know at once where the tube is pointed ( I havent a clue tbh, GOTO rules my life :hello2: )

You can see clearly in this pic the 4 sources of light pollution that plague me;

1) Sky glow. Every horizon from here is drenched in orange fog, with the south being the least affected. Naturally, south is the one horizon blocked by the house.

2) Neighbours chicken light. Guy at the back, along with the trees has an orange light under the trees which is on all night. It may need a visit.

3) Light on top of trees and shining from the left of the pic is from the streetlights shining through the gap in the houses.

4) Light on the very top of the trees, shining from behind the camera is from a massive floodlight on the top of a hangar in the airport which lives next door.

5) The sky isn't always so light, but the moon was still on the horizon and doing its best to wash out what was left!

The question is, surrounded by all this anti-astronomy stuff, would I be better off trying to image in narrowband only????

This exposure was just 26 secs at f3.5 iso 800 on the 400D



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Have you considered a "quality" LP filter ?

I use a Hutech IDAS P2 filter (2" with borg SCT adaptors) and the difference is amazing. I have recently picked up a Lumicon Deep Sky (SCT) as well so hope to do some comparisons soon. By eye the lumicon gets rid of even more LP but at the expense of a more noticable colour tint.


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Yes, without the CLS filter I get hardly anything on film, well, cmos.

I have a clip in (EOS) CLS filter. Is there a better option? The CLS tends to give a bluish tint to white objects, but at the same time allows the Ha data through, so long exposures are usually fairly well balanced as it goes.

A filter which screwed into place on the SCT thread sounds appealing, which one is considered to be the best?

And what about focussing? On any star dimmer than Vega, focussing is really hard with the CLS in place.



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:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: and there`s me complainging about my sky and yet yours is worse than mine.And i no what it`s liek to have trees in the way i used to have em but they cut down on both side i just have house in the way now lol.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would say that your skies are much better than mine.

I think that the Hyades are just to the top right of the scope and maybe Gemini to the left..? probaly completely wrong :)


(click to enlarge)

This is 39 seconds... ISS setting.


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Out of interest, what white balance setting do you use in the 300D? I have a 38 secs shot at iso800/f3.5 for comparison.

The EOS clip in CLS filter will wipe out that orange right away, if you are kelling, have a go with mine :)


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