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Starting to save for an upgrade

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Satisfied that my interest in astronomy is not merely a passing fad, she who holds the pursestrings has agreed that it's about time I started saving up for an upgrade to my Heritage 5" reflector.  I love my lil Heritage, but I want to see more than it allows so it'll have to go to help fund the new one. 

It looks like it will be April at the earliest before I'll be able to buy, so I've got plenty of time to shop around and look for a decent bargain with my limited budget.  Depending on what's available,  I may even just keep the Heritage until summer or the start of next season. 

At the moment, I'm thinking of either the 8" or 10" flex tube Skyliner,  which bridges the gap between size and portability.  The 8" is obviously cheaper and more portable, and 10" is my limit on both of those aspects.  Is the extra size and cost worthwhile for the 10" version?  It will be used purely for visual observing, are there other options worth considering? 

When the time comes, my budget will be ~£400 - is this likely to be enough for a 10" flex tube?  I can't say I've seen many for sale in the second hand market, so I'm not sure what budget is necessary.

Any thoughts greatly appreciated ?

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I think your budget will stretch to a 10" and I think it is worth doing that as the extra aperture really does make a difference.

I went from the scope you have to an 8" Dob and very quickly wanted something even bigger. I found a 12" Flextube for £300 so I am sure you will find a 10" within your budget.

Keep an eye on UK AstroBuySell, the Classifieds here on SGL and also eBay and I am sure something will come up that fits the bill.

Best of luck


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14 minutes ago, DRT said:


I think your budget will stretch to a 10" and I think it is worth doing that as the extra aperture really does make a difference.

I went from the scope you have to an 8" Dob and very quickly wanted something even bigger. I found a 12" Flextube for £300 so I am sure you will find a 10" within your budget.

Keep an eye on UK AstroBuySell, the Classifieds here on SGL and also eBay and I am sure something will come up that fits the bill.

Best of luck



9 minutes ago, DRT said:

As if by magic: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Skywatcher-250PX-Flextube-/222402965353?hash=item33c83fef69:g:k0AAAOSwjDZYmxUy

Wrong end of the country for you but that scope has lots of extras and is well inside your budget :wink:

I'm sure you will find something.

Thanks Derek, it looks like the 10" is definitely within reach which is pleasantly surprising.  That one you linked to is a good bargain, especially with the focuser included.  Hopefully something similar comes up when I'm ready to buy as I know the cash will be burning a hole in my, and the missus's, pocket! ;-)

You must get some pretty sights in your 12" - how much detail do you get in targets like galaxies?  Can you actually discern the spiral arms?

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5 minutes ago, BeerMe said:


Thanks Derek, it looks like the 10" is definitely within reach which is pleasantly surprising.  That one you linked to is a good bargain, especially with the focuser included.  Hopefully something similar comes up when I'm ready to buy as I know the cash will be burning a hole in my, and the missus's, pocket! ;-)

You must get some pretty sights in your 12" - how much detail do you get in targets like galaxies?  Can you actually discern the spiral arms?

That 12" inch went long ago and was replaced by a 16" :evil:  - but that has now gone too and I am now back down to an Orion Optics Uk 12" F4. All of these scopes give you much more detail than what you have been using but it is very much dependent on the darkness of the sky from your viewing site. Galaxies don't look like they do in manufactured pictures regardless of how big your scope is. Expect grey smudges with bright centres and if you stare long enough perhaps some detail of the structure.

But you will see a massive difference in what you can see when you step up from the scope you have. You will not regret it :wink:


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14 minutes ago, DRT said:

That 12" inch went long ago and was replaced by a 16" :evil:  - but that has now gone too and I am now back down to an Orion Optics Uk 12" F4. All of these scopes give you much more detail than what you have been using but it is very much dependent on the darkness of the sky from your viewing site. Galaxies don't look like they do in manufactured pictures regardless of how big your scope is. Expect grey smudges with bright centres and if you stare long enough perhaps some detail of the structure.

But you will see a massive difference in what you can see when you step up from the scope you have. You will not regret it :wink:


Yeah I've no doubt that what I can see at the moment will definitely improve, but I don't have unrealistic expectations :-)

That I can see M31 at all in my Heritage, even if it is just a faint smudge, is still a wonder to me.  I'm expecting just a bit more detailed smudge with the 10" but I'm intrigued by how much detail it can eke out at a good dark site.  Hopefully I'll get a look through one before I take the plunge :-)

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A 10" won't show you spirals unless you are under dark skys. Even then they are hard to make out and only visible of a handful of targets. Don't let that put you off. When you get half a dozen galaxies in one FOV. Then you forget about spirals!!

See if you can get to one of the spring star parties. Then you can try them out for yourself.


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If talking about April and later then I half suggest you keep the 5" as the clocks change at the end of March so lighter nighs and the summer is heading our way (well what passes for summer here) and again lighter nights.

Will allow you to save up a bit more or not as fast. And something may appear on the used market.

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