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Reasons to be careful with laser pointers


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Honestly, i personally think a prison term is a bit too harsh for people found guilty of misuse of a laser. Prisons are already over-crowded, and its at the expense of the tax payer that these people are kept in prison.

I feel they would learn a better lesson by being made to do some community service and get slapped with a hefty fine also. Someone who previously has no criminal record.......in prison,mixing with seasoned criminals COULD  end up living a life of crime. Prisons are like universities for criminals. 

I'm just saying, we all too often put people away.....for what in the grand scheme of things equates to petty "crime". 

We could be sent to prison for not paying our tv license. Is this right?. I dont think so. 

Hardened criminal: "So, what are you in for?"

You: "Laser Pointer".

I know this above comment wont go down well with most here, but i just dont think prison is the answer. 


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IMO, it's a bit of conundrum. Community service + a fine puts the offence in the same league as vandalism. While we don't want to send a first-time offender to 'university for criminals', this is hardly a petty 'crime'. Personally, I think that the deliberate act of attempting to blind the sole pilot of an aircraft (no matter how temporary the blindness) is de-facto attempted murder in the same way as throwing breezeblocks at cars from motorway bridges. Prison is normally used for offences where the public need to be protected from the offender and for serious crime (like attempted murder). Thus, this would probably warrant a prison sentence as the offence is serious and the offender is someone from whom the public should be protected.

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