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the Great Orion Neb 7-1-17


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I had a brief gap in the cloud lastnight so grabbed my self a few frames of my fav DS object, its my firstlight with this setup. seeing wasn't it best, very hazy and it was only clear for about 45min.

20x 45 sec, iso 1600 + 5x 20sec iso 1600, just lights.

I'm very pleased with the little C6-N ,its just the right size for shooting from indoors.

thanks for looking, clear skys ,  charl.

tn-he Great orion neb 7-1-16.png  

2 the Great orion neb 7-1-16.png

the Great orion neb 7-1-16 dark.png over did this one for fun.

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Very nice capture! 

You say "its just the right size for shooting from indoors.", was this from indoors? And is so, you image trough a glass/window, or you have a clear opening somewhere?

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thanks Jannis, with the window open mate, ive had to start imaging fulltime from indoors because I'm not very good on my legs, I down sized my kit to a heq5 last year hoping I could manage the lighter mount, but after a few falls "thankfully not damaging any kit" I decided to take the indoors route, after all, all the great telescopes in the world do it. theres not a lot of disadvantages to it, the heating is allways off in the obsyroom, its south/east facing, 82% of the sky is in range throughout the year, I still get out from time to time I just need a bit of help with the heavyer stuff. clear skys , charl.

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thanks Chris, yes mate, every image from last june has been took from indoors, ive ruptured both knees and thay wont fix them with me having Lupus, I can still get about but thay give way at anytime so its too risky carrying my kit outside, ive had a few near misses . clear skys, charl.

10 minutes ago, toxic said:

well done Charles lovely image did you say you took this from inside 


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