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A slightly cool night...


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An excellent viewing session last night though not too late as first day back in the office today!

It was very cold and I hadn't realised just how cold until I put the lights on a saw the frost on the scope!! See pics ❄️

I had no fogging on the primary and the built in fan seems to do a great job at maintaining ambient temp. The Telrad was dripping wet though so maybe needs a heater. 

I am very impressed with the VX14 and I had decent views on Venus and Mars with the TV3.5mm though the image moves mighty fast through the view - tracking has it's merits that's for sure. 

Great start to 2017 ???






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39 minutes ago, Paul73 said:

Likewise. Brass Monkies in my back garden!

Without the Telrad heater, I would have packed up hours before I did. Only costs a couple of quid.


Hi Paul,

Do you use the Telrad heater or dew cover? One requires power the other says it prevents dew (and needs no power)?



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Nice report, Tony - and very nice scope!  Telrads are notorious dew-magnets, but people on here have given me the confidence to simply remove the glass, give it a wipe with a (clean!) hanky and then put it back.  Low-tech, but effective.

I see you have an empty finder shoe there.  Do you use a conventional finder as well?  I find the Telrad / RACI combination to be an awesome combination.


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4 hours ago, Tonynexevo925 said:

Hi Paul,

Do you use the Telrad heater or dew cover? One requires power the other says it prevents dew (and needs no power)?



I use an home brew Dew Heater using a spare port on a controller that powered a secondary heater on another scope.



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1 hour ago, Paul73 said:

I use an home brew Dew Heater using a spare port on a controller that powered a secondary heater on another scope.



I like that a Paul ??

I may try the wipe it clean method first and see how that goes (as the glass isn't an EP I imagine it'll be fine to dry with a clean microfibres cloth. 

If that doesn't work well enough then maybe go down the telrad dew shield and/or heater route. 



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2 hours ago, FenlandPaul said:

Nice report, Tony - and very nice scope!  Telrads are notorious dew-magnets, but people on here have given me the confidence to simply remove the glass, give it a wipe with a (clean!) hanky and then put it back.  Low-tech, but effective.

I see you have an empty finder shoe there.  Do you use a conventional finder as well?  I find the Telrad / RACI combination to be an awesome combination.


I'm going to try the wipe clean method first Paul ??

I am lining up to use the telrad in combo with the raci. I think that'll be ideal with the nexus push to system. I liked the raci on the Evo 9.25 but only ever use that with the starsense now (a brilliant gadget!). 

Once I have my new moonlite focuser fitted I will set everything properly for a good session and see what it is like with the skyris camera.



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