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Damn Adaptors..

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So after taking delivery of my webcam I decided I'd better start thinking about adaptors. So I rang Bern from ModernAstronomy this morning, and we discussed some. At the end of the discussion, I purchased the adaptor from his site for my webcam, yet I'm still confused about the DSLR side-of-things.

Bern mentioned that because my 250PX has the old R+P focuser my camera should screw right in. At the time I didn't have my scope to hand, so I just assumed he was right. However it's a female thread on the focuser, so that didn't bode to well.

I assume he meant I needed an adaptor already in my camera so that it would screw in. And here I am, which adaptor should I be after?

I was thinking the Max DSLR Camera adaptor from IanKing, (http://www.iankingimaging.com/show_products.php?category=19). Would this do it for me?

A forum search just confused me even more I'm afraid :D

Thank you for reading - if you managed to get through all that mumbojumbo.


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My SPC900NC adaptor from Bern has now arrived - excellent guy. Now I'm just working out how to put it on :shock: :hello2:

Grab the silver focusing ring firmly and pull it sharply away from the camera body. If this doesn't work use a flat head screw driver to prise it away. Unscrew the lens then screw in the adapter making sure it goes in easily and isn't cross threaded! You can also remove the black plastic support structure as it’s not required.



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My SPC900NC adaptor from Bern has now arrived - excellent guy. Now I'm just working out how to put it on :shock: :hello2:

Grab the silver focusing ring firmly and pull it sharply away from the camera body. If this doesn't work use a flat head screw driver to prise it away. Unscrew the lens then screw in the adapter making sure it goes in easily and isn't cross threaded! You can also remove the black plastic support structure as it’s not required.



Bern - thank you very much! Just done it all and the adaptor is now sitting firmly in place.


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