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Stellarium - missing galaxies


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I use stellarium V0.15.0 and was idly playing around with it the other day. I switched on the deep sky objects and noticed that there seem to be very few galaxies shown. It had M31 and the Triangulum galaxy but not the pinwheel M101 for example. When I looked it seemed that there were quite a few missing. I wondered if Stellarium has a database of objects which has to be updated.




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28 minutes ago, happy-kat said:

The more you zoom in the more are shown

True, and if you press F4 (Viewing Options), then the DSO Tab, you can push the Labels Slider up to see the names of more objects.  (You can do this with stars too, but sparingly, since the whole view soon fills up!)


PS: For a handy overview of lots of galaxies and other objects, I would recommend S&T's Pocket Sky Atlas.  

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Absolutely right - both of the replies. One small warning with the show labels - you can really flood the screen with such, so keep checking to see how crowded it's getting. Stellarium has quite deep listings. And that goes for all the DSO's up there! It's a great repository! :p



p.s. - they need beta-testers for 0.15.1 currently.

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There is also a options page where you can install more catalouges of stars and other items.

Have not used stellarium in a while, but think it's settings -> general and install chart or something. It will show you install 5 of x or similar :)

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Hmm - I find that even with the sliders full on and zooming as high as you can there are missing ngc objects which used to appear in early versions. Curiously you can still use the find utility to pinpoint their location but no symbol is displayed.


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