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GPCAM v2 with different setup


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I was having mixed result with my GPCAM v2 using my various setups (i.e. video lens, DSLR lenses and SW 130P (900)), so thought I would experiment with my little SW 100 Heritage reflector (400mm FL) on my bitsa SynScan Alt Az mount.  Rather happy with the result of my quick experiment on Monday night (all using Live Stacking in Sharpcap):

M13 - 10 x 10s


M92 - 10 x 10s


M57 - 10 x 10s


M27 - 5 x 20s


The only post processing done was default use of the Colour module in StarTools (not even Cap Green to...) and saving to TIFF from FITS.  All of these images had a very green tinge before I loaded them into StarTools, which I understand is a result of the RGGB format of the GPCAM.  It would be nice to know what settings in SharpCap would make get rid of that tinge for live viewing?

I was rather happy with the performance of the GPCAM using this setup and I am now considering getting a 0.5 reducer, as I think I could still get focus using it on this telescope (focuser tube is out about an inch to get focus at the moment).

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On 11/11/2016 at 21:33, cuivenion said:

Hi, great pics. Can I ask how much you are stretching the histogram in live stacking? There seems to be quite a lot of amp glow for 10s exposures, but if you've stretched it significantly than that explains why its so noticable.

I am just using the default settings in SharpCap and not using dark frames.  In StarTools, I purely opened the FITS file in the Colour Module and accepted the defaults, then saved to TIFF.

*EDIT* Thinking about it though, these objects were close in relation to the side of my house, which has a streetlight on the wall just around the corner. So it could be LP and not amp glow.

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