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Short report on last night


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Well short because it was a short session. Short because some idot forgot his boots and thick socks so had to call it shorts because his feet were like blocks of ice :iamwithstupid:

Anyway, skies were clear, great seeing and very steady. WOf the things I viewed the ones that stood out were:

Saturn nebula. Definite colour in it at around x80, a sort of blueish, maybe turquoise tint although a little less prominent as i cranked it up but really looked good. (and a first). Saw several other plenetary's including the turtle although it was the saturn who was pick of the bunch.

Dumbbell looked magnificent last night with a UHC, sat in a pool of stars and seemed much more interesting than using OIII filter. Great structure, simply beautiful. Also got some decent nebulosity from the Pleiades, seen it better but last night was second best so very pleasing too.

M31 Andromeda was quite obliging in giving up some of her spiral detail as was M33 although the latter less so much.

Veil nebula (6995 side, left as viewed ) fantastic. OIII really lifted out great structure from this. Filaments, shades and shape. Really turning into one of my favourites. Best view so far last night. 

North American Nebula. No doubting with this, simply jumped out from the eyepiece when i looked. Thought this was more challenging than it was but gave itself up to the 26mm Nagler fitter with the OIII filter easily, Shape was there and some structure of sorts although it wasn't fantastic. But hey, she was there for sure. HB filter seemed to give no more than the OIII. (another first)

Last and yet another first. California nebula. Harder than the N.AM neb by some margin. Had to move the scope slowly from side to side where the nebula was and slowly built up an image of it. There was some shape but it wasn't defined and no structure at all. Little more than a brightening of the sky really and was using HB filter. 

That all really. Saw plenty of other stuff but I couldn't settle for too long dues to cold feet. So most of the above views were limited to a few minutes although the better ones lasted a while longer. Damn my forgetfulness. 


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Nice report, Steve - it might have been a short session but sounds very worthwhile.  It was a nice sky here last night when I got home at 11pm, but after 16 hour day all I could muster was a 10 minute stare upwards from the back garden before turning in.  I wish clear skies didn't clash with busy times at work!!!!


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