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Quick (and dirty) Pleiades

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M45 taken quickly this evening with the D3200 on a tripod in the back garden with the 18-55 kit lens with just a handful of short subs/darks/bias. Don't look at the shape of the stars, it's offensive but for 5.5 sky as measured with the DSM pro app and a static untracked mount it'll do for a record.


ISO 3200

100 lights

100 darks

100 bias 1/4000s.

Quick run through DSS, only processing is a slight curves stretch in PS and slight saturation increase, 50, 3 & 1 unsharp mask and shrunk to 25% to avoid the offensive star shapes at full size a little bit. Left the artefacts from the back of the house and the tree after stacking to maintain the full field.

M45 30-10.png


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No hats or glasses here - the nebulosity is present and easy to see. Note the lighter-blue stars mixed-in with the more-white and brighter stars. The lighter-blue is the indicator of the nebulae these stars reside in & with.

This can be seen with a camera, but not so much with most peoples' eyes.


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5 minutes ago, Dave In Vermont said:

lighter-blue stars mixed-in with the more-white and brighter stars.

Since you put it that way I'll take it :thumbsup:

I was thinking in literal terms and excluding anything that wasn't wispy fuzzy dusty stuff, too late here for thinking. Cheers

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