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Nexstar 130SLT & Canon EOS 550d

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Hi all. New to the forum and newish to Astronomy (last time I had a telescope was in my chikdhood). Wondering if those with greater knowledge that me can help?

Been trying to connect my 130slt & 550d for some basic astrophotography but with or without a 2 x barlow, I can't seem to get focus? With the focusser all the way in, it is still out of focus. I purchased an adapter like this: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/301984420749?_trksid=p2060353.m2749.l2648&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT which I can drop eyepieces into but the overall image isn't as good as I would expect from using primary focus or just with the Barlow. Ive tried taking the adapter apart and using smaller aprts of it but still no joy.


The only way I can get focus is by removing the 1.25" adapter on the focusser and holding the camera body on the edge for the focusser at its lowest position.


Any thoughts?


Thanks in advance.



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If you cannot reach focus because you ruinning out of inward focus travel when you attach your DSLR you may have to move the primary mirror closer/up the tube. If you move the mirror you mgiht then have to use a 2" extension tube when observing with eyepeices.

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With the SLT130 and Canon 700d/70d & Nikon D90 I used a x2 Barlow lens to gain focus.

It does change the FOV though from 2 x 1.4 deg to 1 x .7 deg roughly for the Nikon - not necessarily a bad thing? :)


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