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I think I've damaged my finderscope

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I was just packing up my new scope after a good couple of hours enjoying the Andromeda Galaxy, and the double cluster in Cassiopeia. Just as I went to replace the cap on my finderscope the damn thing just shot straight out of its bracket and landed eyepiece first on the concrete. I can't see any immediate damage, but looking through it the cross hairs appear to be doubled up, something I didn't notice before.

I'm worried I've knocked a lens out of line, and I've only had it a week. 



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3 hours ago, Ben the Ignorant said:

All my finders have this safety:

Finder safety.jpg

Do you fell confident stripping your finder to check the inside?

Probably not really... For one thing I can't really see any way inside it. I have been thinking about an upgrade, since without a diagonal it's quite awkward to use.

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9 hours ago, Knighty2112 said:

Drill a small hole into the foot of the finderscope so that the locking screw goes into it and stops it slipping out of the shoe easily. 

Probably the best idea... I've just set it up and realigned it with the main tube, now that it's fixed in place and held steady it all seems to be okay fortunately.

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