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Bubble Nebula reprocess


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Without even opening the STF I reprocessed the Bubble:  C11Ede HD F7, SBIG STT-8300, Baader Filters. 

Ha 40 20 min Binned 2x2

OIII 30 20 min Binned 2x2

SII 23 20 min Binned 2x2

The outer nebula regions are very faint, making revealing them with any saturation very difficult.  Not sure why this is--maybe a byproduct of only 20 min subs at f7? 

Bubble Nebula.jpg

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Nice bubble Rodd, looking at this and your recent Crescent I think you're developing your own style.

Wouldn't worry about pulling out more surrounding detail, I find a lot of, usually  red, cloudy detail across the whole image distracts from the main target


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