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its a could you question


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Yes, you do cut the sensitivity as Matt says, Ha for example would use only red, which is 1 in 4 pixels. But there are lots of targets bright enough in Ha to make this do-able. OIII and SII are more tricky, as they are normally very diffuse and low in signal strength.

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thx for the quick replies guys, it was just a thought, Im hoping to upgrade to mono come next April and do some narrowband imaging and it got me thinking why not buy the filters now, I,m guessing they would be the same size (currently own a starlight xpress H9V OSC )

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There are some very nice narrowband images taken with a OSC camera (QHY8) here - along with a discussion of the implications of the bayer matrix which has already been mentioned:


The author has posted a number of QHY8 narrowband images - search his site and you'll see some nice examples:


So it's definitely feasible albeit with the caveats already mentioned.




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