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My lunar cycle sequence updated.


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Here's an updated version of the little sequence I'm hoping to complete with yesterday morning's job. Coming on nicely. The days with clouds represent days I tried to image but had... well... clouds, just for the record. Pretty lucky run considering UK weather, in September.

I think I'll add some text content for the kids/my own satisfaction. I've a few ideas for content rather a write up on the Lunar cycle but any thoughts welcomed. 

Also, I've kept the actual file pretty reasonably sized so I'd say worth a clicky to go full size. 

Clear Skies

Lunar Cycle WIP.png

Oh, and another one of the basic animations showing the position of the terminator moving over 4 days from the 10th - 14th.

Better than my first one I feel, less trippy weird rotational effect due to libration. No real value but it would be great to capture an image every day for a full cycle and animate it. Click to view animation if you miss it on loading as I forgot to set it to repeat!!



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2 minutes ago, David Smith said:

Good set John. Are you aiming for a shot a 1% intervals!

While that would be great David I'm a realist :) Can't see that happening at all any time soon.

Besides, off on Hols on Monday and only taking a travel scope - we need clothes and stuff apparently, so no imaging at all for 5 days :eek:

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