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The many flavours of a full moon (pic heavy)


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Had some stunning views of tonight's full moon after the cloud cleared for about 2 hours visually. I didn't see any sign of the penumbral eclipse but I snuck in some data capture too before packing up :hello2:

All shot at 1/500 through an ND filter at ISO 100, shot in Raw and the crop out of Pipp is 2700x2700. Other details are in the bottom right corner.

I played around with processing tonight (because why not?) I didn't sharpen in Registax, straight from AS!2 to Photoshop and then produced some different 'finishes'. Let me know your favourite (or least favourite)


First, vanilla, sharpened when stacked in AS!2, 25% blended with unsharpened stack

Full moon 16-09 as it comes.png

Then with the white levels up to highlight the Albedo

Full moon 16-09 albedo.png

Next, extreme, sharpened and contrasty

Full moon 16-09 Extreme.png

A little bit of colour teased out

Full moon 16-09 colour.png

And an invert

Full moon 16-09 Extreme invert.png

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