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Collimation Nightmares

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Hi everyone

I am finally putting together my LX200R 10" and was wondering if I need to collimate it as often as I have read . It looks pretty daunting to me and I am afraid I may mess it up being the ham fisted novice that I am.

Also am I better of getting an artificial star to make it easier and does it really need doing everytime I use it or does it hold its collimation provided I am carefull with it.

Yours Nervously


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I have the 12" version of the LX200R, I have taken it to star parties, moved it everytime from the house to outside in the past and I haven't needed to collimate it once yet, guess I may have been very lucky. I regularly check it, but haven't needed to adjust yet.


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I have placed an order and look forward to there arrival.


Chris, follow the instructions carefully, and don't remove all the screws, do one at a time.

At least it's that way for the LX90 scope, I'm sure the LX200 is similar.

Ron. :D

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