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Dusky moon 06/09/16


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Absolute horror show this one. I decided to capture the moon in the new(old) frac last night and I wanted a big image!! Big mistake, shot lots of frames with 2.5x barlow at 1000mm with the Nikon which was fine. The seeing was good.  4 panes, should be easy to stack and process, I've done it before at night time. WRONG, not at low contrast with some light still hanging about  

Anyhoo, the long and short is that after much huffing and swearing at the laptop I stitched 1 frame (dark and flat applied) of each panel with MS ICE and processed (unsharp, high pass, masks you name it) in PS. The final image is reduced in size by 70% to avoid offending anyone's eyes should they slip up and click to view full size  

Quite happy considering it's one frame effectively but nonetheless I need to rethink this technique clearly, a day processing to end up with one frame could be called a waste of time!!!

The moral of today's lesson is that age old, time tested and well proven truth "size isn't important"


Dusk Moon 06-09 reduced.png


Dusk Moon 06-09 reduced BW.png


Dusk Moon 06-09 reduced invert.png

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good shot John, i find shooting the moon and sol a lot easyer shooting in JPeg " jpeg i here them shout " but i find raw to be overboard and makes life a lot more hard work, jpeg for me staxs better ,stitches a lot easyer and we pay loads of money for our cameras why not let them do the work. ive compared jpeg shots and raw shots and in my pics theres no difference if any the jpegs are better.  well done daytime shots are allways challanging.  clear skys charl.

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