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Aurora detection

Carl Reade

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Hi all been interested in building something good enough to do this job both accurately and reliable, well as much as diy can be.

I came across this link and thought it is a pretty clever way of putting one together also the outlay is small as well.

Any thoughts?



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54 minutes ago, Carl Reade said:

 both accurately and reliable, well as much as diy can be.

I came across this link and thought it is a pretty clever way of putting one together also the outlay is small as well.

as Dave_D  links , also in this parish https://stargazerslounge.com/topic/276176-lawnmower-red-alert/ so just be sure to fit a disable switch by the door so that your good lady can switch it off when she goes out to mow the grass :angel8:

But seriously though :

Yes looks good, novel even. Thanks for the link. A lot simpler than a lot that have gone before. The FGM-3 has been around for years and is well regarded ( as is Bill Speake )

My first thought was "Stability" of the hetrodyne mixer, but on closer reading he has covered that, so yes go for it!!

As for "accurately and reliable" predictions , hmmmm, even the professionals cant do that even without beserkerslawnmowers :)  Have you a big garden to get it well away from cars and people etc and in a temperature controlled environment.


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8 minutes ago, SilverAstro said:

as Dave_D  links , also in this parish https://stargazerslounge.com/topic/276176-lawnmower-red-alert/ so just be sure to fit a disable switch by the door so that your good lady can switch it off when she goes out to mow the grass :angel8:

But seriously though :

Yes looks good, novel even. Thanks for the link. A lot simpler than a lot that have gone before. The FGM-3 has been around for years and is well regarded ( as is Bill Speake )

My first thought was "Stability" of the hetrodyne mixer, but on closer reading he has covered that, so yes go for it!!

As for "accurately and reliable" predictions , hmmmm, even the professionals cant do that even without beserkerslawnmowers :)  Have you a big garden to get it well away from cars and people etc and in a temperature controlled environment.


Yes the old grass cutter caused a stir? I do have a road nearby with minor local traffic and the garden not that big so I'm positive there will be interaction but not much can be done on that score. The temperature I'm hoping will be reasonable in the insulated pipe underground.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well I now have all the electronics for this. I built the stable regulated power supply and connected the sensor with the ultrasonic transducer then tested with the bat detector and it works. Best way to do scribe it is it sounds just like a metal detector.

Just now need to build the sensor housing and have a burial ceremony and see what I get.


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Hi, the magnetometer is now on test. It's been underground for 24 hours so far switched on to stabilise the temp. I just started the chart today after 12:00 GMT (30 sec interval) and have let it run it is certainly measuring something. I think there is more tinkering to do yet in Spectrum lab software etc.




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Would you not have been better off with those voltage regulators well away from the detector? They give out a fair amount of heat which will accumulate in (be magnifiied by..) your insulated pipe.

What happens when you have a lot of real Bats flying around? :)


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12 minutes ago, ChrisLX200 said:

Would you not have been better off with those voltage regulators well away from the detector? They give out a fair amount of heat which will accumulate in (be magnifiied by..) your insulated pipe.

What happens when you have a lot of real Bats flying around? :)


Hi this is the recommended supply design by Speake and co. I have to assume they know their onions. The current is negligible and stepping down twice should deal with any heat.

As long as temp is stable should be ok.

As for the flying mice ? as long as they don't come into the house not a problem. The other half I have no doubt will alert me if she sees one?

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