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Scope fight night.


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Just a glorious night and I haven't even looked at my scrawlings. It was so lovely I packed the paving outside the shed, 150 vs 102. All I can say is that the 102 won, simply glorious with colour  and contrast.

It was a trial of dodging tripod legs and ota's to swap over the eyepieces. I was mainly comparing Perseus, Andromeda ,Cassiopeia and Triangulum. The binaries in Triangulum just left me amazed. I got down to a dazzling 1.1" split, the 102 taking x220 quite easily. Both caught brighter galaxies such as NGC 1023. The clusters in Cassiopeia looked glorious, the 102 picking up the fine dark lanes of NGC 7789. From there to the glorious M2, just go in at x150.

A very useful excercise, even the smaller mount can out on top for being a delight to use. It was great to see 4" of scope opening up so much. Nearly came a cropper a couple of times and hitting your head on a diagonal is no fun. Going to need more space,

clear skies, again !

Nick.image.jpegimage.jpegimage.jpegi knocked up an owls nest for the ota vs ep near miss, the art of bodging moves on !



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Great report Nick - I wish you could bottle your enthusiasm - I'm sure it would be a good seller ! :icon_biggrin:

I had 2 fracs out as well last night (Vixen and Lzos) and had a lot of fun. Tear down is not too onerous as long as you have had a good time :icon_biggrin:


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