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AZEQ6-GT Camera control - selecting different groups

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Hi, i hope someone can help..

I have been trying to use the mount 'snap port' to control the DSLR.  I can configure up to 8 sets of exposures and number of repeats under the 'configuration' menu, but when I come to 'shoot', it defaults to the first group and doesn't give me any choice to change to one of the other groups...Am I just being thick, or is there an issue with the firmware?  Firmware is 4.38.01



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The camera control on a skywatcher hand control/mount, is very basic. When configuered, it will go through all sets of exposures that have non zero values. There is no way of selecting any one set.

Having different sets makes it easier to do HDR imaging. If you want more control, you'll need to hook up your camera to a computer.

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Thanks Wim,

Yes pretty basic, I tried it out yesterday evening and confirmed it also.  Seems to me they missed an opportunity to make it much more useful (e.g. shorter exposures  for windy conditions/ part clouds, etc) and can only be a firmware thing.



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I would have liked if they'd included dithering. As it is, I route the camera control through a microcontroller that sends guiding signals back to the mount inbetween exposures. It would have been easier to program this in the handcontroller.

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